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                         MY STORY

I am Dr. Jenn MD. I help you pay off debt and make smart decisions for your financial future. I have made many of the same mistakes that added up to millions dollars of debt! I paid it off and I will help you do the same. No matter how large or small are your debts, let's talk. For free (of course!)


Achieve Your Goals


I’m Dr. Jenn MD, a surgeon and a financial coach.

Are you stressed about money?

Do you worry about paying off your student loans?

Do you want to be in a position to help others financially?

I help other doctors and high income professionals to get out of debt so that they can build wealth and reach financial freedom.



Need help paying off debt?

Want to use a Roth IRA but you don't meet the income limits?

Choose Your Path to Financial Freedom

Financially Fit Physicians Book


One-on-one Consultation


Financial Fitness Course


Enroll Now

No one teaches you how to think about money in medical school or residency. Yet, from the moment you start practicing, you must think about it.

Dr. Atul Gawande

Dr. Jenn MD


Want to set up a plan to get out of debt and start building wealth?

Contact me today to schedule a FREE 15 minute strategy session.

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